
Feng Shui Consultants require certain tools and products to work effectively in their business and provide additional products and services to their clients. Therefore Corporate Member: Suppliers are an important member of the AFSC®.
Corporate Member: Suppliers may join the AFSC® as a preferred product supplier of Feng Shui and related products, such as Luo Pans (the professional Feng Shui compass), Feng Shui products and cures, environmentally friendly products and any such products that the AFSC® deems are relevant and of service to our members. They are not officially voting members of the AFSC® and do not have access to the Members Area.

Corporate Member: Suppliers are listed by name on the Member Directory and also under Feng Shui, Corporate Member: Suppliers on the AFSC® website.

[userpro template=memberlist memberlist_v2=1  search=0 memberlist_v2_showsocial=1 memberlist_v2_pic_size=180 memberlist_v2_fields=role,businessname,city role=”corporates” memberlist_verified=1sortby=”display_name” memberlist_v2_showbadges=1 order=asc]

Membership for Corporate Member: Suppliers is under the following conditions:

    1. Membership of the AFSC® is an annual fee of AUD$26.
    2. AFSC® acknowledges that Feng Shui Consultants require certain tools and products to work effectively in their business and provide additional products and services to their clients. As such, membership is subject to approval by the AFSC® Committee and is dependant upon whether products supplied are Feng Shui related, Feng Shui products and cures, books and magazines, home and office furnishings, building and environmentally friendly products and any products that the AFSC® deems are of service to our members.
    3. Corporate Member: Suppliers are not officially voting members of the AFSC® and do not have access to the Members Login area.
    4. As part of membership, the Corporate Member: Supplier will be listed under Corporate Member: Suppliers on the AFSC® website as a preferred product supplier.
    5. The Corporate Member: Supplier does not have access to the Members Login Area or yahoogroups directly to send advertising to members. However, the Corporate Member: Suppliers may advertise their products in the AFSC® Newsletter.
    6. Certain Feng Shui related products, particularly books, journals and audio-visual presentations also accrue CPD Points for the AFSC®’s Continuing Professional Development Programme. Refer to a full table here CPD Points. As a preferred Corporate Member: Supplier you may add this to your website. For example: This book earns 1 point for the Continuing Professional Development of Accredited Feng Shui Consultants with the Association of Feng Shui Consultants.
    7. The logo of the AFSC® (as above) may be displayed on the member’s website with a link to the AFSC®.
    8. It is assumed by the AFSC® that, as a preferred supplier, the Corporate Member: Suppliers will act in a professional manner at all times.